The Embodied Awareness Training
Prerequisite: None
"The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be witnessed — to be seen, heard and companioned exactly as it is. When we make that kind of deep bow to the soul of a suffering person, our respect reinforces the soul’s healing resources, the only resources that can help the sufferer make it through." - Parker Palmer
This course is foundational to a deeper craniosacral practice and is the suggested level 1 gateway course to complete before Core Practices.
Embodied awareness refers to the practice of being fully present and attentive to the sensations and feelings of your body. It involves cultivating a deep connection with your physical self.
The purpose of this 3-week self-paced online course is to support you to feel safe and at home in your body through embodied awareness. Being more present in your body supports you in listening, connecting and being more present with others on a deeper level. The intention of this course is also to support you in feeling more aware and accepting of yourself. This course is not about self-improvement. You don’t need improving, you are fine just the way you are.
Be more present and aware in your own body; experience how embodied awareness truly feels.
Learn how to pause and be present in the most challenging moments.
Learn to be more present and connected with others on a deeper level.
Examine the core beliefs that get in the way of you being truly present.
Learn strategies for having embodied presence with a history of trauma.
Have greater calmness, clarity and ease being in the present moment.
Experience a greater sense of safety in your body.
3 - Prerecorded video sessions over three weeks
Practical Exercises and Take-Home Tools to Feel More Embodied
4- Guided audio meditations
Each week you will receive practices to help bring the course material alive in your own personal experience and to help you with assimilation and integration of course content
You’ll be able to access and view all of the material at a time that is convenient for you
"I enjoyed the embodied awareness course very much and found great value in it. I can see how important it is to have the skills of listening with presence already embodied within the student before they even start the core practices course. I am very glad I did embodied awareness first , as I now feel I can go into the core practices course with greater understanding and a personal practice established of listening with presence, and so am ready to expand on my skills and understanding of Craniosacral therapy.
Thank you." - Linda
“The safety, integrity and kindness of the space Michael and all the attendees created in the course was beautiful and I came away feeling truly in my body for the first time in my life. I am now able to really listen to my family, my friends and my clients and offer the kind of presence and support they deserve. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be with those I love on a deeper level.” – Elissa
"Thanks for such a lovely 4 days together practicing divine embodied presence. To feel safe in ones body is necessary for so many reasons. I especially enjoyed working on connecting with others and my environment with more presence and authentic beingness. Looking forward now to practising and becoming grounded in this modality. Many thanks for this great course and content." - KA
“Michael’s Embodied Awareness course was a profound journey to self. I gained a deeper acceptance and awareness of myself and others. I felt held, seen, and safe throughout the duration of the course. The course content was extremely engaging and the online space was encouraging, trusting and supportive. I highly recommend this self empowering course.” - Sage