The importance of training to which you give your full concentration guided by a skilled expert, coach, or mentor cannot be overemphasized. Daniel Goleman in his book Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence speaks of a "feedback loop" saying: "Ideally that feedback comes from someone with an expert eye; every world-class sports champion has a coach. If you practice without such feedback, you don’t get to the top ranks. The feedback matters and the concentration does, too — not just the hours. Read more here.
Long and short-term mentoring is offered by Michael Aaron. Long-term, it is offered in the form of a 500-hour certification program. Short-term, Michael offers one on one mentoring in person or on Zoom specifically for craniosacral and embodied awareness practices. This is for anyone who has completed or begun craniosacral training with any craniosacral school. Email the office for rates and availability.
After completing the first course level, you may choose to apply for admission to the 500-hour Certification program. The certification qualifies you as a Certified Craniosacral Practitioner (CCP). Besides the many hours of practice on clients, certification also includes ongoing one-on-one mentoring in person, through monthly video calls and email over the 2+ years in order to support you in gaining mastery of craniosacral work.
Enrolment is very limited is confirmed by interview. Requires travel and an additional fee.
Email the office for the specific requirements.